Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Lord, teach us to pray

Bethanne and I went to the UK and Ireland (see post from May 2007) on a group trip that explored many church history sites. After returning from a trip like this, most of us are glad to be back to the routine of life. I must confess it has been a bit more challenging to resume this life in Chicago.

I am still reflecting on the profound past that presses my understanding of what church history attempts to impart. It is likely I will be wrestling for many years to come.

The photo in this post was taken in Oxford, England. The Book of Common Prayer is still used today in many churches to guide worshipers in their corporate prayers.

I am reminded of Jesus' disciples who asked Lord "teach us to pray." The prayer that many of us know as the Lord's Prayer is a beautiful example of brevity and bravery. Its structure is obviously brief. However, as countless scholars and biblicists have analysed and discected it we find it contains an almost indescribable depth. I believe its bravery is found throughout but with particular pointedness in the words "lead us not into temptation." I have come to recognize this to mean a specific temptation to abandon God when being an authentic believer is decidedly difficult. Then as now many who profess their devotion to God when it is easy to do are tempted to walk away when times are tough.

How we need Jesus to teach us to pray. I recognize my weakness every day. Lord, do not allow us to waver from our confession of you. Deliver us, Oh God.


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