Saturday, August 09, 2008

Make the Main Thing the Main Thing

"Advantage is gained in war and also in foreign policy and other things by selecting from many attractive or unpleasant alternatives the dominating point. American military thought had coined the expression “Over-all Strategic Objective.” When our officers first heard this, the laughed; but later on its wisdom became apparent and accepted. Evidently this should be the rule, and other great business be set in subordinate relationship to it. Failure to adhere to this simple principle produces confusion and futility of action, and nearly always makes things much worse later on" (Winston Churchill).

Christians should certainly resonate with this. How easily we are distracted by what is "permissible" even as we overlook was is paramount: the Gospel. Culture wars, the polarized political landscape, and a shallow understanding of history are just a sampling of our tactical blundering. Believers must reestablish the Bible as the central force of mission, which necessarily requires we set aside pet projects for the "over-all strategic objective." It's time to regroup!

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