In so doing, I am trusting. I am trusting all who read this not to jump to the wrong conclusion. This is not despair, but hope. This is thinking with real emotion, not unfettered feelings devoid of thought. This is a good faith process, not blindly throwing darts at an unknown target. I am trusting the process of journaling as a means of helping me come to terms with who I am and why I have been put on this planet.
Most of all, I affirm my trust in Jesus Christ. I make no apology in publicly announcing my steadfast belief in the God-man. The more I study the Bible, the greater confidence I have in its timeless truth. The Bible Bridges series that I have been writing has only strengthened my faith. The redemptive process through which God has been changing me has been sometimes marked with hardship and confusion. Yet I have not ever doubted the goodness of God. Again, in risking the disapproval of some for being so open of my journey, I will rest in the Lord. His loyal love towards me has been a bulwark, and in his ability to bring about the final good he promised is where I place my faith (cf. Romans 8:28). It is in the slow unfolding of his plan that I sometimes feel restless. This is precisely why I have petitioned the brethren for prayer.
In some recent conversations with my pastor, my boss, and other close friends I have realized that my primary gifts may lie in what the Bible calls administration. It is far more than just being well-organized or in getting things done. It seems as though analysis of data is a core strength. I enjoy synthesizing a data set and drawing out the important implications and decision drivers.
In the past, the types of data with which I was most comfortable was computers and technology. While I retain some of that capability, the days of reading every trade journal I could find and soaking in every piece of data pertaining to technology are behind me. True, I try to stay on top of industry trends for my current assignment. And I have also had education in business and can speak somewhat intelligently in that sphere. Yet to be utterly transparent I feel that I hold my own in this arena, but I'm not a dedicated professional vis-à-vis technology and business.
In spending time writing this blog in recent months I have realized the data set with which I am most motivated and feel a sense of accomplishment is the Bible. I don't fully see how this will play out. I often thought while I was serving as an associate pastor that I was not an effective pastor, and I have come to terms with that. I believe God has made it clear that pastoring is likely not my destination. It also seems that higher education is really not an option, at least not as a full-time career. Simply put: I would require quite a bit of more education (PhD) and there are far too many PhDs for the few teaching positions that would be open. As I am in my mid 40s, spending thousands on an advanced degree with no certain placement is simply unwise.
The truth is I really enjoy writing. If I could make a living at it, I would happily do so. I often ask younger people who are thinking of their career a simple question: if you had all the money in the world so that you had no financial worries, how would you use your time. I think I now finally have my own answer: to be an author. So this blog is simply an expression of living the dream without expecting any remuneration. I take great joy in hearing that even a few people grow in their walk with Christ in what I write. As Scripture teaches that we are to store up treasures in heaven (Matthew 6:20), I am content to work hard during the day and employ my evenings in writing. To that end, more installments in the Bible Bridges series await!
soli deo gloria
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