Monday, June 23, 2014

Bible Bridges: FINAL INSTALLMENT - "Forming a Biblical Theology"

This is my last installment in the Bible Bridges series. While I could say much more about how to study the Bible, and even delve into deeper questions relating to hermeneutics, it is time to build traction on application. To that end, I have started a new series I call the Personal Syllabus for Ongoing Growth.

This new series could arguably be spliced into the Bible Bridges. That is because that series attempted to refine the reader's Bible interpretation methods and hermeneutic, both of which certainly engage application. Hermeneutics is more focused on the theory. Because my goal of this blog are to inculcate a strategy for constructing a biblical worldview, I did not want to get lost in excess of theory.

Simply put: this blog is not an academic treatise on hermeneutics. I have attempted to introduce some concepts to spur on greater awareness of how and why thoughtful Bible study can be done and even improved. I am satisfied that my introduction of hermeneutics and Bible study methods suffice for the greater goal of this blog.

Thus, as the journey progresses and increasing confidence is gained in the precision and accuracy of interpreting portions of Scripture, the growing Christian should be putting together a picture of a thoroughgoing biblical theology. I will warn the read that the taxonomy of biblical theology as a formal system of theological study is its own can of worms. Again, I desire to help build a biblical worldview. For the sake of that goal, I think Pastor Mark Dever's definition from the 9 Marks of a Healthy Church is clear enough:

Biblical theology is sound doctrine; it is right thoughts about God; it is belief that accords with Scripture.
I would define a thoroughgoing biblical theology as that discipline in which a believer continually realigns their pre-suppositions and assumptions with regular, careful inspection of the truth claims of the Bible in their literary and theological context. In turn, such inspection inculcates increasing surrender to God's clear ends affirmed in Scripture, whether individually or collectively; temporally or eternally. It is thoroughgoing in that it is broad and deep: there is a sufficient grasp of doctrine to the degree that the believer yields to sin less and less, and embraces God's will more and more in all areas of life. Moreover, the Christian understands they are part of the collective people of God and not ignorant of the final destination of God's people. In this way, our belief is actualized as we let go of this world and embrace the kingdom of God.

It is the rigorous application of Romans 12:1-2:

Romans 12:1–2 (NLT)

"And so, dear brothers and sisters, I plead with you to give your bodies to God because of all he has done for you. Let them be a living and holy sacrifice—the kind he will find acceptable. This is truly the way to worship him. Don’t copy the behavior and customs of this world, but let God transform you into a new person by changing the way you think. Then you will learn to know God’s will for you, which is good and pleasing and perfect."

So this is the end of the road for Bible Bridges, but by no means the final word on the Word. I ask you to ponder anew what things you believe God wishes to change in your thinking, your attitudes, your priorities, and your actions. Join me on the path of inspecting our lives in light of Scripture and the Spirit of God who illuminates our way to the conclusion of the ultimate journey!

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