Monday, September 17, 2012

Forks in the Road

Not always so obvious
It is very popular to hear people speak of their "journey". It might be a spiritual journey or career path, but most of us speak about direction and making progress towards a goal in life. I find it interesting that most often those moving metaphors speak to the unpredictable nature of life. Most of us are familiar with the concept of a "fork in the road", meaning we are speaking about important decisions that lie in our path. Take one route (to the exclusion of the other), and we think we can expect one outcome; the other road (whether less traveled or not) will yield a different outcome.
How many of our decisions do we find are monumental? Perhaps only after we chose a path did we realize in the rear view mirror that was a really big decision - one that will alter our life's course forever. It sure would be nice to have it all so easily mapped out: every ramification for all our choices laid out in advance so we can intelligently chose the best course. That can be really true with how we spend our money. I look back at all the times we ate out and nothing to show for it except a few extra pounds. It's also true in how we desire to serve the Lord with our time, talents, and treasures.

Yet God does reveal the most important stuff:

“The secret things belong to the Lord our God, but the things that are revealed belong to us and to our children forever, that we may do all the words of this law." Deuteronomy 29:29 English Standard Version (ESV). 

Funny how we really don't believe this to the fullest, for too often I press the gas pedal and miss the signposts warning me that the bridge is out or there is a tight curve ahead. As I speed right on through my 40s, I pray the Lord to intervene when I lose sight of the Word on the road. May the Lord Jesus keep me from injuring others in my life by careless life driving. May God guide me and those around me to the everlasting kingdom of Jesus Christ, through whom our life's engines must be powered. Amen.

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