Thursday, February 27, 2014

Bible Bridges: Part 10

Have you started reading 1 Peter yet? Have any words popped out that make you want to dig deeper? The graphic above was generated by Logos Bible software. I initiated a "Passage Guide" process right from the main page:

The Passage Guide created that collection of interesting words. I probably should not have selected the entire book, but I wanted to see what would come up. By changing it to just chapter 1, I get an entirely different set of results: 

This tool in Logos simply provides another way to stimulate thinking and study. If I click on any given word, it provides a list of all the instances in the selected passages. For instance, the word soul seems fairly significant:

Another prominent word is suffering:

As I said in the last posting, I don't want to spell out the themes of 1 Peter. Hopefully, seeing these results will spark more energy to dig deeper. And you certainly do not need Bible software to discover repeated words. Just a pen and paper with your eyes can generate these results. It's just nice to have technology to accelerate the discovery process.

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